Sex – as in sex education – was being debated on different fronts in the city in March 1975. At the annual Children’s Aid Society meeting, a University of Toronto ...
Cornwall’s Cline House Gallery hosted Take A Stand, a powerful exhibit highlighting the impact of human trafficking through ...
The Cornwall Colts fell 5-2 to the Brockville Braves on Thursday night at Ed Lumley Arena. Cornwall opened the scoring in the ...
Cats take occupancy of any empty cardboard box as soon as the contents (play toys, catnip, climbing towers) are removed. Children gather in tree houses. Boys hide in their ...
Many municipalities, including Cornwall, are examining ways to mitigate the effects of climate change. The  costs and health ...
You’ll need to compromise to achieve harmony at work or home. An exercise of patience will be required as you navigate ...
Tim Rozan, one of the founding members of the Ontario Hockey Academy (OHA), has passed away at the age of 60. Rozan, who ...
A head-on collision east of Cornwall has left three people deceased. The fiery crash occurred March 13  just after 9 p.m.
CORNWALL QUILTERS GUILD will participate in the  International Quilt Day to be held in the Cornwall Square March 15, 9-3.
The United Way Centraide SDG (UWC SDG) is bringing back its menstrual hygiene product drive for the fifth year with a new name and twist to boost donations from ...
The recent, “devastating cuts to St. Lawrence College (SLC) are not just an education issue — they are an economic crisis that threatens the vitality of our entire region,” ...
BGC Cornwall/SDG’s Henry Street Clubhouse was awash in pink as children and staff celebrated Pink Shirt Day with the annual ...