Light projected through a drop of salt water reveals an abundance of life. Plankton Drag Footer CTA Visit Join Give ...
Small chunks of dry ice jet and swirl across a liquid surface. Like comets, these chunks of dry ice slowly disintegrate as they move, leaving a visible trail of condensed water vapor.
Turbulent Orb is a half-meter diameter sphere full of special, colored, flow-visualization fluid. The sphere is mounted on top of a pedestal, it spins on a good bearing. Visitors grasp a metal ring on ...
Wave Organ is a wave-activated acoustic sculpture located on a jetty that forms a boat harbor in the San Francisco Bay.The concept was developed by Peter Richards and was installed in collaboration ...
Floater Theater is an intimate theatrical environment that whimsically prompts participants to explore the fascinating, commonly experienced phenomenon of eye floaters. During Katchadourian’s ...
Take off and fly in a mirror that makes half your body look whole. Here’s an exhibit where watching is at least half the fun. Positioned at one end of this large flat mirror, you can create any number ...
This NOAA buoy gathers data on carbon dioxide levels, which are increasing in our oceans and affecting marine life.
In Search Of Universals In Human Emotion with Dr. Paul Ekman ...
“If you take a child through a museum and you show them a marble statue they’ll appreciate it, but it’s very doubtful they’ll go home that night and start chipping away at a marble slab. But everyone ...
Using a calculator at the exhibit you can divide the number chips by the number of crossings. The more chips you throw the closer this ratio gets to pi. This surprising method of calculating pi, known ...
See objects float using movie screen technology. Strobing lights are projected into the well, where they are reflected by three rotating sheets of plastic that act like movie screens. The flashing ...
As you walk around this light sculpture, notice the different shapes and angles that comprise the structure. The bilunabirotundas are constructed of a polypropylene honeycomb core material that is ...