Mikrolinsen auf Brillengläsern können helfen, die wachstumsbedingte Ver-schlechterung der Kurzsichtigkeit zu reduzieren und so mögliche Folgeerkrankungen zu verhindern. Auch für Intraokularlinsen oder ...
The High-Performance Center for Single-Cell Technologies LZ-EZT is an initiative launched by the Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM in Mainz and the Healthcare Technologies ...
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates a subsidiary in Singapore and Representative Offices in China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Korea. They form a bridge between the local Asian markets and the ...
“Fume events” occur when fluids such as engine oil or hydraulic fluid contaminate the air inside an airplane cabin via the “bleed air” used for air supply and conditioning. Measurements taken in ...
Deine Zukunft erforschen und an unserer arbeiten? Sinnvoll! Mit über 40 spannenden Ausbildungsberufen in Naturwissenschaft, Technik, IT, Medien und Verwaltung bieten wir dir deutschlandweit eine ...
The »Fraunhofer Attract« grant is the excellence stipend programme of Fraunhofer. »Fraunhofer Attract« invites outstanding researchers to develop their ideas towards innovations at Fraunhofer. An idea ...
The Fraunhofer EU Office in Brussels connects Fraunhofer management and researchers to the European research and innovation landscape. Our mission is to support the Fraunhofer Executive Board and the ...
Fraunhofer Portugal in Porto coordinates cooperation between research institutes and customers in Portugal with the Fraunhofer Institutes in Germany. Fraunhofer Portugal manages two research centres: ...
In order for quantum technologies to give companies a major competitive edge in the future, it is necessary for research and industry to work together on specific applications at an early stage.