The government has plans to investigate seven suppliers named in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry report as part of new powers brought in by the Procurement Act 2023.
Inspection failures by landlords are leaving children exposed to damp and mould, the Housing Ombudsman has warned.
Lloyds Banking Group has committed to lending an initial £50m t o Prince William’s homelessness project. The bank will work with charity Homewards to help small and medium-sized organisations deliver ...
The Week in Housing is our weekly newsletter, rounding up the most important headlines for housing professionals.
The government’s National Wealth Fund and The Housing Finance Corporation have unveiled a new unsecured debt facility to fund ...
The government’s National Wealth Fund (NWF) and The Housing Finance Corporation (THFC) have unveiled a new unsecured debt facility to fund social housing retrofit.
The boss of Magenta Living is stepping down after being appointed to lead a social landlord in Australia. Debi ...
Taylor Wimpey’s profit has taken a hit after booking a £98.2m in exceptional costs due to its net cladding remediation spend and the disposal of a joint venture.
Bromford and Flagship have completed their merger to form an 80,000-home association. The completion of the tie-up follows ...
The housing minister has set a two-and-a-half-year target for local plan-making and allocated funding to councils to review ...
The leader of Basildon Council has threatened to end its repairs and maintenance contract with Morgan Sindall Property Services more than five years early.
A new report focuses on a financially precarious community of older LGBTQ+ people in London. There are lessons for all housing providers and social landlords.