Edited by Danielle Basset, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; received May 2, 2024; accepted January 28, 2025, by Editorial Board Member Elizabeth A. Buffalo ...
The PNAS Editorial Board is made up of NAS members who are active scientists and experts in their fields. On submission, your paper is assigned to an Editorial Board member in one of the 31 NAS ...
In the west, the glaciers feeding Wordie Ice Shelf (1.3-cm SLE) lost 1 to 2 Gt/y in 1979–2003, increasing to 8 Gt/y in 2017, with speed-up detected over the entire drainage. The mass loss for Wilkins ...
Consumers often regard heirloom fruit varieties grown in the garden as more flavorful than commercial varieties purchased at the grocery store. While plant breeders have historically focused on ...
Ants are among the rare organisms to have extended reproductive division labor beyond the cells of a multicellular organism. However, the degree of specialization between reproductive and worker ...
Flying long distances is routine for millions of people around the globe. Unfortunately, pushing a plane through the air at close to the speed of sound requires a tremendous amount of energy, and ...
A large body of evidence documents political polarization in national reporting of divisive topics. This study examines this issue empirically for local media reporting using large language models.
Contributed by John P. Perdew; received September 12, 2024; accepted January 23, 2025; reviewed by Filipp Furche, Robert O. Jones, and Hannes Jonsson ...
Contributed by Joseph S. Francisco; received November 5, 2024; accepted January 21, 2025; reviewed by Xifan Wu and Sotiris S. Xantheas ...
PNAS relies on the time and expertise of volunteer reviewers to maintain its high editorial standards. We look to reviewers to help PNAS ensure the following in a submitted paper: Research is well ...
PNAS provides several article-level metrics for all articles. Click on the “Info & Metrics” tab of any PNAS article to see its Altmetric score, citation counts, and usage data, including downloads of ...
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site at which secreted proteins (such as the hormone insulin) and membrane-bound proteins are folded. ATP-dependent chaperones within the ER help proteins fold.