La surpêche a de graves répercussions sur les écosystèmes marins, les populations littorales et le climat à l’échelle mondiale, a indiqué vendredi une experte indépendante de l’ONU.
The layoffs further complicate staffing shortages at the Office for Civil Rights, which plays a vital role in promoting a fair education for public school students.
La poursuite des violences dans les territoires d'Uvira et de Fizi de la province du Sud-Kivu, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a contraint près de 370.000 personnes à fuir ...
Consequently, even though it is one of the closest stars to Earth, such that its light takes only six years to get here, it is too faint to be seen with the naked eye. Now, four small planets have ...
The push to restore semiconductor manufacturing faces a labor crisis − can the US train enough workers in time?
Hagiographies (writing on the lives of saints) give us a glimpse of the food culture of early medieval Ireland, when Patrick lived.
Aaron Reeves, Associate Professorial Research Fellow in Poverty and Inequality, London School of Economics and Political Science Many of the measures already implemented to reduce government spending ...
par Albin Wagener, Professeur en analyse de discours et communication à l'ESSLIL, chercheur au laboratoire ETHICS, Institut catholique de Lille (ICL) Le « New York Times » a compilé plus de 200 mots q ...
Keir Starmer’s civil service reforms: what is mission-led government and why is it so hard to achieve?
Jewish American artists were at the heart of the comics industry – and a closer read of beloved characters reflects fears about assimilation and acceptance.
Reading a pamphlet in the doctor’s office about which vaccines to get may help nudge older adults to get vaccinated.
Le gouvernement iranien a continué d'intensifier ses efforts pour restreindre les droits des civils, y compris des jeunes enfants, dans le cadre d'un effort concerté pour écraser la dissidence, ont ...