Damaging straight line winds, large hail and a few tornadoes will all be threats," the National Weather Service said.
Tens of millions of people living in the Southeast and Midwest face a risk of tornadoes this weekend, forecasters said.
The National Weather Service issued a severe weather warning in Illinois, warning of possible cyclones, tornados and fires.
When severe weather hits the United States, there are ways people across the country can prepare for the potential impact of ...
Dangerous weather conditions will peak Saturday, with one of the most prolific tornado-producing setups in years expected to ...
Indianapolis residents can expect to hear tornado sirens every Friday morning as city officials test to make sure they are ...
There will be a statewide test of the tornado warning system tomorrow. According to state and local emergency officials, the ...
A statewide tornado drill is scheduled to take place across Indiana Tuesday morning. The live test is slated to begin at 9:15 ...
National Weather Service meteorologists are warning of a severe storm expected to hit several states on Friday night.
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service are urging Hoosiers to take action now to be ...