In the weanling ring steers and bulls sold from £900 to £1770 paid for a 361kg Charolais and heifers ranged from £800 to ...
Producers should be mindful of environmental and nutritional factors to make sure bulls are fit for breeding season.
Ever wonder why the cow crossed the road? Well, on Tuesday, five cows and a bull made their way home from near Saratoga Boulevard and County Road 35—thanks to the quick thinking of the Corpus ...
“A rule of thumb is that a bull can breed one female per month of age, so if he is a 15-month-old bull, he can be in a ...
A calf might be a very different colour to the bull or cow he or she grows up to be. Rosamund Young has witnessed the youngsters’ skin tones altering as they mature: “They do seem to change ...