We are in a sneaker culture revival! People are coming back outside to purchase their favorite pair of shoes and it’s a beautiful thing. Shock drops, limited production, and member exclusives ...
Beginner lessons for ages 12 and older with parent. Sponsored by Whirl and Twirl Square Dance Club. 4-5 p.m. Saturdays beginning March 15, Lutheran Haven Fellowship Hall, 2041 W. State Road 426, ...
Fun with stories, rhymes, songs, and more, developing early literacy skills with our young friends and their caregivers.
FLOWER ARRANGING, March 27 at 6 p.m. Trafalgar Library, 424 S. Tower Drive. Free and open to the public. Florist Shane White ...
With focus these days on functional foods, breakfast cereals are one group that has its fair share of super ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits in your bowl. There’s no ...
BENSONMEMBERS met in February back in our usual venue of Benson parish hall. We were very pleased to welcome our usual ...