The great folksong revival of the 1940s through 1960s made rural white and African American artists and their music favorites of audiences everywhere. While key figures associated with the American ...
Music creators who provide the soundtracks for movements championing social justice today are living the legacy of the American Folk Revival. Frank Hamilton, the youngest member of the music ...
This kind of fanaticism toward these legends of the folk movement is recognizable to many young people my age, who have witnessed a revival of the music and messages of Bob Dylan in the last few ...
With his banjo, Tony Seeger is keeping both his uncle’s music and folk legacy alive ... 20th century and set the stage for the American folk revival movement. Through archival audio recordings ...
It was 1966 – the peak in popularity of the American folk-music revival. We were all raised with rock influences from our older siblings, but folk music grabbed hold of us – artists like The ...