Where diamond has a regular crystal structure, graphene (or at least the Platonic ideal of graphene) is a flat, single-atom-thick sheet of six-sided carbon rings. The hexagonal rings of six carbon ...
The interstitial alloy between carbon and iron has a complex phase diagram. A compound, Fe 3 C with the fixed composition Fe-6.7 wt % C bounds one end of this diagram and pure iron the other end. Pure ...
Seljakow, J. Kurdumoff, and N. Goodtzow (NATURE, 119, 494; 1927), that quenched carbon steels contain a phase with a tetragonal crystal structure, which might be considered as a deformation of the ...
A new carbon material known as monolayer amorphous carbon (MAC ... MAC is a composite material that incorporates both crystalline and amorphous regions. It is this composite structure that gives MAC ...