What is the best career fit for me? Take our assessment now. Finding your dream job starts with knowing what makes you the way you are. Simple Statements that relate to you. Unique Be yourself ...
Novocaine explores the comedic potential of a man who can't feel pain, with two new images released. Directed by Dan Berk & Robert Olsen, this thrilling ride promises laughs and action-packed scenes.
Luckily, dental floss is not your only option. Water flossers are an alternative that some may find easier and more enjoyable to use. But are they effective? I talked to dentists to learn more ...
Nicknamed “The Dentist,” Mississippi State head coach Chris Jans coaches the Bulldogs to play great defense. Playing against Mississippi State is “like a root canal without novocaine,” Jon ...
“Too much novocaine around here,” quips a desperate Nuria to a patient on the phone ... Things come to a head, in a mild way, when one of her first dates turns up at the dental surgery and tells her ...