Taking care of yourself by discovering healthy things to do every day doesn’t have to feel like a chore; it can be a series ...
Healthy eating while you’re away from home can pose unique challenges. Keep reading to learn more about how to maintain a nutritious diet while you’re on the go. Each food group offers a ...
If you’d like to heal your body with food, a good place to start is by avoiding the many foods you should not eat for a healthy diet. But first, what constitutes a “healthy” diet anyway?
For others, it's a guilt-ridden sign that January's healthy eating initiative is veering wildly off-course. Pasta's been trendy, demonised (remember spiralisers?) and everything in-between ...
The New York Times provided us with “The Well Challenge: 5 Days to Happier, Healthier Eating.” It started off with a quiz to help us identify which foods in our grocery cart are ultraprocessed.
Fewer people are eating in a way they consider healthy –– and they don’t even like it, according to new data. “In some instances, we’re still seeing strong majorities of people saying ...
You’ve probably already dropped your New Year’s resolution to eat healthier. Dr. Ian Smith’s new book Eat Your Age: Feel Younger, Be Happier, Live Longer and accompanying cookbook gives ...
Choosing healthy late-night snacks like Greek yogurt, berries, nuts, or popcorn can curb your hunger without sabotaging the healthy eating habits you've followed all day or triggering heartburn. Nuts ...
In the book "Catherine, The Princess of Wales," royal author Robert Johnson confirmed Middleton's and Prince William's healthy eating regimen, adding that the princess also has "healthy snacks ...
In recent years, significant progress has been made in raising public awareness about the importance of healthy eating, thanks to the efforts of many educators, growing scientific evidence, and the ...
When he decided to build a company around the most boring product you could possibly imagine, Jesse Merrill wanted one word to come to mind when people thought about cottage cheese—and it wasn ...
Every week, Talking Points gives you a worksheet to practise your reading comprehension with exercises about the story we’ve written Staying healthy during ... shares how to eat well at this ...