Every morning – shortly after checking my phone and shortly before brushing my teeth – I pull down my lower eyelids in turn ...
Eye diseases often develop asymptomatically for many years. ICTER scientists have developed the f-ORG technique, which ...
Eggs and oatmeal each offer nutrition and health benefits and can be part of a healthy breakfast. Learn the differences, ...
While it is easier to advise people to not sit for long hours in front of their screens, for those who work on a computer, it is a difficult task to achieve. Sitting for a prolonged time in front of ...
High levels of exposure to air pollution can increase the incidence of diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, a recent study ...
Mumbai doctors warn that the rising heat is causing issues in eyes like dryness, redness, and allergies, especially in those ...
With temperatures soaring, Mumbai ophthalmologists and retina specialists say “protect your eyes” as they caution citizens to ...
Additionally, the prognosis of macular edema may help clinicians evaluate renal function, investigators reported ...