MBP通过静电和疏水作用与髓鞘脂质结合,维持髓鞘致密结构。MBP基因敲除小鼠表现为中枢神经髓鞘减少,引发震颤、癫痫和 ...
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Institute of Biochemical Sciences, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan ...
Subsequently, all genes were subcloned into the pRSFDuet-1 vector (Novagen), with the addition of a polyhistidine affinity tag (His-tag: His6, His8-GST, or His8-MBP ... All binding kinetics ...
Thankfully, healthy snacking is possible. For example, choosing a high-protein snack between breakfast and lunch or before dinner can help keep you full and satisfied. Gone are the days of thinking ...
Apple's premium laptop comes in 13- and 16-inch screen sizes. Each model includes 2-4 USB-C ports for charging, accessories, and data transfer. Higher-end models also include the Touch Bar ...