So how are the roads? Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department of Transportation's traffic cameras. Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO, a website and mobile app from ODOT ...
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue is working to put out a vehicle fire on Highway 217 under the Highway 26 overpass.
(Vox) A speed camera option: Gotta’ love it when the head of a driver lobbying group realizes his hatred of speed enforcement cameras leads him to support safer street designs. Sounds good to me!
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Once Friday morning arrives, snowfall is expected to significantly ramp up. A staggering 15-35 inches of snow is expected to ...
When will my street be plowed? Snowplow trackers let you track Ohio snow cleanup progress Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO, a website and mobile app from ODOT that provides drivers ...
KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. -- A Klamath Falls man is dead after a fatal crash the morning of Wednesday, Mar. 12.