最近,“杨幂胳膊钙化”的话题冲上了热搜。据报道,杨幂在滑雪时发现右臂有点难抬起,便去做检查,发现胳膊里有些地方已经钙化。“钙化”,相信很多人都是第一次听说。其实钙化可以发生在任何部位,比如肺钙化、甲状腺钙化、动脉钙化、肌肉钙化等等。有些人也会在自己体检报告中看到钙化一词。很多不了解的人,一看到这个词 ...
有些人也会在自己体检报告中看到钙化一词。很多不了解的人,一看到这个词,就会焦虑得不得了,甚至怀疑自己是不是得了什么大病。 那么,钙化到底是什么? 真的意味着大病吗? 哪些情况需要重视? 今天一篇说清。
and genetic mechanisms of arterial calcification. Endocr Rev. 2004;25(4):629-72. [2]Amin SB, Slater R, Mohammed TL. Pulmonary calcifications: a pictorial review and approach to formulating a ...
Other inhibitors of ECM calcification besides those mentioned here may yet be found and could act in tissues such as skin, liver and lung. It is conceivable that the absence of ECM calcification ...
Case studies highlight the benefit of CyPath Lung to both physicians and patients, including avoiding unnecessary invasive procedures.
Some treatments for lung cancer, such as radiation therapy ... detect atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries in the form of calcification within the blood vessels. "This study suggests it ...
Each patient underwent imaging for evaluation and staging of their lung cancer ... of the coronary arteries in the form of calcification within the blood vessels. "This study suggests it may ...
One of the exclusion criteria for renal transplant is severe iliac artery calcification. We performed an aortofemoral bypass in these patients to make them eligible for renal transplantation.