Example Component using Domain-driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture principles and recommandations based on what have learned by reading DDD related books, watching YouTube videos and conferences ...
Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN), Palacký University Olomouc, Šlechtitelů 27, Olomouc 779 00, Czech Republic Regional ...
Most natural and synthetic diamonds have a cubic structure, but ultra-hard diamonds such as those found in craters – known as lonsdaleite – have a hexagonal structure. Lonsdaleite was first ...
No injuries were reported. Construction just recently started at the new site off Normandy Boulevard and only the bare bones of the main structure were up. Jacksonville Fairgrounds President/CEO ...
HAVING observed marked variations in the lengths of exhibition carcases of swine used for bacon curing, Prof. A. M. Shaw, of the University of Saskatchewan, suspected that the difference might be ...