Recent surveillance indicates apparent renewed interest among teens in Dextromethorphan abuse, sometimes combined with other ...
One of the older fads is in the news again: getting high from cough and cold medicines containing ... numbness, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure.
Don’t be fooled—anything with a PE in the name won't work. Most cough medicines don't work, either But that's not the only cold medicine that probably does little to nothing for your cold.
Award-winning actress Jennifer Aniston, who was a chain smoker early in her career, was caught lighting up again recently as she celebrated her birthday. Despite her good-girl image, Jennifer ...
Smoking cigarettes causes about 3 out of every 10 cancer deaths in the U.S. As many as 80% of people who die of lung cancer used tobacco. But the toxins and chemicals from cigarette smoke can lead ...
They had complained of cough for < 3 weeks. The group of smokers was composed of 31 subjects (9 men and 22 women) with a mean age of 41.4 +/= 11.3 years. Their racial information was not collected.
Between June 1, 2023, and Feb. 6, 2024, Session forced the child to eat vomit, hit the child with curtain rods and a doorstopper, and withheld food and medical care, according to the indictment.
“Police had a large presence in the Te Puke area today, monitoring a tangi for the father of a prominent gang member,” Acting Inspector Shannon Clifford said in a statement. Clifford said ...
“Our findings suggest that continued public health efforts around preventing smoking, especially heavy smoking, may be an important way to help reduce the number of strokes happening to young ...
Cigarette smoking is by far the biggest risk factor for lung cancer, data shows — but in a surprising turn of events, the most common form of the disease is primarily found in non-smokers.
If you’re missing that smokey barbecue flavor because of winter, this Pit Boss Smoker deal from Amazon will let you smoke your favorite meats no matter the season. The Pit Boss Vertical Smoker ...