U.S. President Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk are undertaking a sweeping campaign to slash the size of the ...
As trade tensions grow between the US and its northern neighbour, Export Development Canada is exploring new ways to help ...
Opening the Habitats Directive for wolves amendment could open floodgates. Member states are urged to improve compensation bureaucracy.
Generally, R2R laws are deemed as a necessary guarantee that manufacturers will make data, parts and tools available to the ...
A boutique firm called Loti is using AI to help high-profile clients combat celebrity deepfakes on the internet.
National security defense being used to keep appeal behind closed doors US politicians and privacy campaigners are calling for the private hearing between Apple and the UK government regarding its ...
Mihaela Murariu, Attorney at Law at Grecu Partners Business Law Firm, analyzes the impact of Artificial Intelligence on ...
Carmakers are in the crosshairs of state enforcers, with California becoming the latest to target the industry’s data ...
Overview On The Data Breach Notification Under The Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Legal News and Analysis - Malaysia - ...
The report about private discussions comes after Apple removed its most-advanced security encryption for cloud data, known as Advanced Data Protection, in Britain last month. The move was an ...
Oregon, have laws to temporarily take a weapon if courts deem a gun owner to be a danger to themselves or others.
The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) ...