From oral stories from centuries ago to Disney’s beloved animated films, millions of children around the world have grown up fairy tales. This list of fairy tale retellings are the best way to ...
Every day, the U.S. healthcare system — public and private — largely excludes undocumented immigrants, depriving millions of access to critical healthcare services. Exclusion from federal healthcare ...
Los Angeles is rapidly becoming a city of seniors, with a quarter of its population expected to be 60 or older by 2031, according to the L.A. Times. This demographic shift, driven by declining birth ...
San Diego’s giant pandas are the first sent to the United States in over a decade. “Pandamonium” strikes the San Diego Zoo as China has leased two of their Giant Pandas to the newly opened Panda Ridge ...
Starbucks baristas across the U.S. are on a holiday strike as frustrations mount over unfulfilled promises. Thousands of Starbucks baristas were brewing up a strike right before the holidays.
Journalism’s future seems uncertain amid job cuts, but investment in school journalism programs offers hope for fostering the next generation of truth-tellers.
A classic novel is a book that has stood the test of time because of its relevance and impact. Some classic novels highlight topics that are still relevant and resonate with people in the modern era.