The COP 29 Presidency and the incoming COP 30 Presidency are committed to fostering an open, transparent, and inclusive UNFCCC process in preparing for COP 30, which will be held in Belém, Brazil, ...
Countries with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions must meet their targets primarily through national measures. As an additional means of meeting these ...
In addition to the information provided in the global stocktake information portal below, other relevant sources of information for the global stocktake can be accessed by clicking on the links below: ...
The documentary "Adapting to a changing climate" highlights the growing recognition of the need for adaptation to climate change around the world. It is translated into nine languages, including the ...
The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention. All States that are Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the implementation of the Convention and ...
Decision 6/CP.25 at the COP25 adopted the revision of the “Guidelines for the preparation of NCs by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, Part II: UNFCCC reporting guidelines on NCs”. The ...