The committee preparing the next conference of former president Joseph Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Democratie (PPRD) is to be set up this Friday. It will be responsible for ...
French engineering firm Artelia, which already completed an ESIA for Winning Consortium Simandou, owner of blocks 1 and 2 of the Simandou iron ore project, should soon take on new responsibilities.
High-level forest summits are coming up thick and fast. Gabon's One Forest Summit is set to get under way on 1 March, while, in the neighbouring Republic of the Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso is ...
The pipeline should not start to function for several more weeks, however. According to our sources, Spanish gas distributor Enagas carried out successful tests recently with the gas flow in the ...
Achi has approached several institutions, including the Caisse nationale de prévoyance de sociale and Caisse de dépôts et de consignation (CDC) pension funds. The civil servants pension fund, Caisse ...
More importantly, these big name accounting firms are putting forth a weighty argument. They believe suspending their activities just before Algeria is set to announce changes to its promotion and ...
The Senegalese air force wants to boost its paltry ground attack capabilities. It has just four single-engine KA-1S attack aircraft it can use on offensive missions, notably against separatist ...
Addax Petroleum's drawn-out drilling campaign stuttered to a halt in September. The company, owned by Chinese oil giant Sinopec, spent an estimated $180m on drilling 12 wells, only one of which has ...
The secretary-general of Algeria's security agency Direction Generale de la Surete Nationale (DGSN), Mahmoud Mohand-Amokrane, is to attend courses this year at France's Institute for Higher Domestic ...
According to our information, late last year the Swiss trader Vitol was forced to give up its CI-202, CI-523 and CI-525 offshore blocks, the licences for their exploration having expired. The first ...
While now in charge of the foreign intelligence unit DSE (Direction des Services Extérieurs), Vassiriki Traoré will continue to serve as national intelligence coordinator, a role he has held since ...
The 2022 edition of the Africa Aerospace & Defence (AAD) expo, South Africa's red-letter defence gathering, is slated for 21-25 September at Waterkloof airbase on the outskirts of Pretoria. The event ...