Baltimore’s Zoning Board gave the convenience store chain the green light. But opponents, who have been fighting the project for 12 years, went to court – and might do so again.
Month-long water leak in northeast Baltimore has resident wondering, is a sinkhole next? With water breaks that cause road collapses a regular occurrence in the city, a resident asks why DPW hasn’t ...
Three filings since mid-January and three orders by U.S. District Court Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby are not viewable on the court’s online PACER system.
The family of Ronald Silver II presses the Scott administration for answers, armed with the state’s issuance of a serious safety violation and a damning report by the Baltimore Inspector General.
Speak up at a Planning Commission meeting. Sign a Liquor Board petition about a problem business. Within your rights? Well, the first group was hit by a $25 million lawsuit and the second got a letter ...
Full text of the statement The Brew received Feb. 1 from MICA president Fred Lazarus IV: Thank you for your email concerning designated bike lanes on Mt. Royal Avenue. For many years, MICA has been ...
When Ronald Silver II died, no statewide workplace heat standard was in effect. And MOSH can’t fine public sector employers for safety violations. Legislation pending in Annapolis aims to change that.
Tonight the Council balanced the city’s 2024 budget – as required by law – by appropriating $56,516,660 in surplus revenues ($2 million more than expected last October) to offset the agency deficits, ...
Jennifer Bishop has lived and photographed in Baltimore City since 1975. She published a weekly stand-alone photograph in Baltimore’s City Paper for 17 years. These photos were described as “small, ...