Plans for a long-awaited, much needed city project in DeWitt were approved by city council members at their meeting March 3.
A final draft version of Clinton County’s amended ordinance regarding commercial wind turbines could be available by the next ...
The public is invited to learn more about candidates running for two vacant seats on the Central DeWitt Community School Board.
When Dori Schneider of DeWitt told her good friend she needed a kidney, her reaction was as immediate as it was invaluable to ...
Last week’s special school election means more flexible spending for the Calamus-Wheatland Community School District and ...
Area residents shared concerns surrounding educational funding, conservation and water quality with area legislators at a ...
A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit that alleged disability and sex discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation ...
Clinton County officials expect to see a final draft version of an amended county ordinance pertaining to wind turbines March 25.
The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office charges fees to serve civil notices, such as for evictions. During discussions in January ...
Clinton County Democrats are hosting their annual caucus on Tuesday, March 18. The caucus will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the DeWitt Community Library, located at 917 5th Ave.
Many youths have grown up exhibiting their non-livestock and livestock projects at the Clinton County Fair, demonstrating the knowledge they have gained.
The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach office in Jackson County will offer one more opportunity to attend the Private Pesticide Applicator continuing instruction course (P-CIC) video as a la ...