The price outlook for U.S. cotton depends on both supply and demand outcomes. This time of the year, the market’s focus is more on the supply side. How many acres of U.S. cotton will be planted? How ...
Mike Pearson talks with Nick Bush from the Rossville, Ind. FFA about why the organization is important and where his future ...
Cover crop use is on the rise across the U.S. However, the U.S. Census of Agriculture confirms that as of 2019, cover crops are still only grown on 6% of U.S. cropland. Jack Cornell, director of ...
I have this cat and occasionally he will climb a tree, and he doesn’t know how to climb down. After a while I feel sorry for ...
There are 11 essential things to know about paraquat, according to Andrew A. Thostenson, North Dakota State University Extension pesticide program specialist. 1. Paraquat is a non-residual contact ...
If you have received a USDA March Agricultural Survey, time is ticking to get in those stats…and data is critical this year.
Record-breaking highs for farmland sales in the Midwest, continued high demand and a rallying cattle market are all things that are affecting land values across the region. Knowing these facts likely ...
Activity in Washington, D.C., has surged since President Donald Trump’s inauguration. U.S. citizens have seen Trump sign a storm of executive orders, working quickly to try and accomplish his goals.
Absent avian flu and with more than 40 million laying hens, Ohio is one of the top three egg-farming states in the nation, along with Iowa and Indiana. But, in the past couple months, the state’s ...
Options exist if dicamba for dicamba-tolerant soybeans exits the 2025 soybean herbicide scene. The 2,4-D choline based Enlist system is one, says Meaghan Anderson, Iowa State University Extension ...
There are 23 existing species of vultures, and most humans consider them to be predators, scavengers and just foul. However, each has its own unique characteristics that enable them to survive and ...