India's domestic investment announcements exceeded Rs. 37 lakh crore (US$ 428.04 billion) in FY23 and FY24, with over 70% from the private sector in 9M FY25, highlighting strong growth in ...
Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is set to transform India’s digital commerce by creating an open, decentralized platform that empowers businesses of all sizes and promotes inclusivity.
India's retail leasing surged to 6.4 million square feet in 2024, led by fashion, athleisure, and direct-to-consumer (D2C) growth, with Tier-I cities set to drive further expansion in 2025.
Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Piyush Goyal, set a target of 10,000 Geographical Indication (GI) Tags by 2030, with 605 tags issued so far at the GI Samagam in New Delhi.
India is now the United States' second-largest overseas tourist market, with 2.2 million Indian visitors in 2024, contributing Rs. 1,72,840 crore (US$ 20 billion) to the US economy.
India’s hiring activity rose 12% in six months, with AI jobs growing 42% in two years and sectors like consumer electronics, manufacturing, and healthcare driving demand.
* The Indian healthcare market, which was valued at US$ 110 billion in 2016 is now projected to reach US$ 638 billion by 2025. * The healthcare sector, as of 2024, is one of India’s largest employers, ...