Te Whāriki promotes the use of te reo rangatira in English-medium early childhood education (ECE) settings. There is a growing body of work concerning the use of pukapuka pikitia (picturebooks) to ...
Currently, the Mäori word hauora is translated in New Zealand curricula as health and wellbeing or as health and physical education for Mäori-medium education. "Hauora, wellbeing" is also an ...
Each PAT is designed to assess an important capability, such as reading comprehension, that develops over time and across the ...
NZCER is excited to introduce new item reporting for the Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs), our standardised assessments ...
This article reports on the first phase of an investigation into the effective transitioning of secondary students to tertiary education through a focus on academic literacy. Action research was used ...
All workers in New Zealand can expect to have their rights to health implemented in their workplaces. For early childhood teachers, health risks extend to the children they care for, as well as their ...
This article analyses data from a study that explored the role of early childhood education in supporting a sense of belonging for immigrant children and families in Aotearoa New Zealand, whilst ...
Recognising that assessment literacy is a complex construct comprised of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the authors sought to better understand how teacher candidates develop assessment literacy ...
The enactment of everyday democratic practice in early childhood settings supports children to practise being active agents in their own lives. Through learning to take action on matters of importance ...
Looks at the reasons why the NZ curriculum component known as the Nature of Science (NOS) has generally not, thus far, achieved its stated intent of helping students think differently about science ...
Wairua (spirit) is threaded through the cultural beliefs, practices, and values of Māori, the indigenous peoples of New Zealand. It is an inherent part of the daily life and cultural vitality that is ...
Our purpose centres on whakatere tōmua / wayfinding. Whakatere tōmua is our mahi. Our purpose—through research, resources, and services—is to find ways for kaiako, ākonga, and whānau to have the best ...