Join us at the event and explore how AI-powered solutions enable smart manufacturing and transform supply chain, engineering, ...
To help us speed things up, we just need a few key details. I consent to processing of my personal data entered above for TCS to contact me. I would like to receive ...
Lenders must transform digitally to survive in today’s rapidly evolving competitive market by addressing customer expectations, discusses Karthik Kumar, Global Head Mortgage Practice, TCS and leading ...
We have defined an IP strategy with a view to building an effective portfolio and plan to monetise going forward,” said Ananth Krishnan, Chief Technology Officer, TCS. With an IP strategy in place, ...
In an interview with Knowledge@Wharton, N Chandra, CEO and MD, TCS, talks about how the 'Digital Five Forces' (mobility, big data, social media, cloud computing and robotics) are changing the way TCS ...
New strategy to diversify revenues and risks, expand business in emerging markets and explore new sources of talent New Unit will focus on emerging markets across Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa ...
We have sent you a copy of the report to your email again. インサイト ...
We have sent you a copy of the report to your email again. 2022-2023インターンシップは受付を終了しました。 たくさんのご応募、誠にありがとうございました。 現在2024年卒向け本選考のエントリーを受けつけています。 下記リンクよりマイページにアクセスしてください。
Featured article in The Manila Times, a leading Philippines publication, TCS Philippines country manager, Vikram Singh explains how success is a 2-way street for TCS. According to Vikram, the key to ...
TCSは、自動車関連企業の未来を加速するモビリティクラウドスイートを発表 * Opens in new tab TCS モビリティ自律走行車ソリューション * Opens in new tab TCSモビリティ・コネクテッド・ビークルソリューション * Opens in new tab Neural Manufacturing™ * これらのCookie ...
Once upon a time, most people contacted customer service by telephone. Just 10 years ago, smartphones were in their infancy, social media was for kids, and it was rare for anyone to use email to ...
We have sent you a copy of the report to your email again. ハイブリッドデリバリーモデルについて 日本固有のビジネス・IT環境と、そこに起因する課題を深く理解したオンサイトのプロフェッショナルと、TCSがグローバルで蓄積した豊富な知見を引き出すオフショアの ...