Great circle - Wikipedia
A great circle is the largest circle that can be drawn on any given sphere. Any diameter of any great circle coincides with a diameter of the sphere, and therefore every great circle is concentric with the sphere and shares the same radius .
大圆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大圆 (英語: great circle),也稱為 正交場,是 球體 的表面和穿過球體中心點(球心)之平面的交集。 大圆线是连接球面上两点最短的路径所在的 曲线。 大圆线是球面上半径最大的圆弧。 圖上的兩個圓就是大圓。 若假设地球为球体(如普通的 地球仪),所有的 經線 都是大圆线, 緯線 則只有 赤道 一条大圆线。
Great Circle Mapper
2024年12月23日 · The Great Circle Mapper displays maps and computes distances along a geodesic path. It includes an extensive, searchable database of airports and other locations.
Why Are Great Circles the Shortest Flight Path?
2019年7月5日 · Planes travel along the shortest route in 3-dimensional space. This route is called a geodesic or great circle. While map projections distort these routes confusing passengers, the great circle path is the shortest path between two far locations. This is why pilots fly polar routes saving time and distance. And this is why pilots often fly over ...
Great Circle -- from Wolfram MathWorld
2025年1月31日 · The shortest path between two points on a sphere, also known as an orthodrome, is a segment of a great circle. To find the great circle distance between two points located at latitude and longitude of and on a sphere of radius, convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates using
Great Circle Calculator
2024年10月3日 · Our great circle calculator will show you why you crossed the tip of Greenland while traveling from Los Angeles to London, even though it looks well out of the way. Here you will understand how maps bend reality and acquire a better grasp of aerial routes .
Great Circle - National Geographic Society
2023年10月19日 · A great circle is the largest possible circle that can be drawn around a sphere. All spheres have great circles. If you cut a sphere at one of its great circles, you'd cut it exactly in half. A great circle has the same circumference, or outer boundary, and the …
Great Circle - Encyclopedia.com
In making a stereographic projection, a horizontal (equatorial) projection of the sphere (i.e. as a plane at right angles to the N—S plane) is a primitive circle of given radius, and also a great circle. All other great circles are similar to lines of longitude.
大圆距离 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大圆距离 (英語: Great-circle distance,縮寫: GCD)指的是从球面的一点A出发到达球面上另一点B,所经过的最短路径的长度。 一般说来,球面上任意两点A和B都可以与球心确定唯一的 大圆,这个大圆被称为 黎曼圆,而在大圆上连接这两点的较短的一条弧的长度就是大圆距离。若这两点和球心正好都在球的直径上,则过这三点可以有无数大圆,但两点之间的弧长都相等,且等于该大圆周长的一半 , r 是球的半径。 由于 地球 类似 球体,地球上任何两点沿球面的最短距离都 …
Great circle | mathematics | Britannica
Great circles are the “straight lines” of spherical geometry. This is a consequence of the properties of a sphere, in which the shortest distances on the surface are great circle routes. Such curves are said to be “intrinsically” straight.